Topic outline

  • 1. Introduction

    We all agree on two things: Firstly, health and health data are private, confidential, and sensitive. Secondly, it is necessary and not always forbidden to collect and process data concerning health for various reasons.

    In line with the Health Data Agency's mission to faciliate the secondary use of health data while maintaining strict privacy standards and facilitating data access requests, this training consists out of two videos and focuses on understanding the GDPR key principles and safeguards that will allow you to collect and process data with respect for the data subjects.

    In part 1, you will have an overview of the context of the GDPR. In European traditions, we aim to regulate before issues arise and our European regulations embody the willingness to work with and share data by applying the consistent principles across sectors.

    In part 2, demonstrates the 5 key GDPR principles to apply in your health data management: purpose specification, data minimisation, transparency, storage limitation and security.

  • 2. Regulations on Data Protection

  • 3. Data Protection Principles and Safeguards

  • About prof. Griet Verhenneman