• Health data, due to its sensitive nature and the risks its use and re-use could pose to the fundamental rights and interests of individuals, has received specific protection under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Belgian national rules. The GDPR key principles and safeguards are an enabler to collect and process data with respect for the data subjects (A data subject is the individual the personal data relates to.). GDPR embodies the willingness to work with and share data, taking into account our European fundamental rights traditions. Data protection means that data subjects, data holders and data users have rights and obligations. For a training on privacy and data protection, we refer to the training video of the Health Data Agency (HDA) in which important principles like anonymization and pseudonymization are explained as well.

      For more information on anonymization and pseudonymization, see Health Data Talk Series article: Opting-out from secondary use of personal electronic health data within the European Health Data Space.